Hope is what powers me.
Hope is what saved me.
The best things have always come from my biggest fears.
I am terrified and hopeful at the same time.
Hope is what saved me.
As much as I dread the unknown, my gut is screaming to run towards it.
Life has tried to take me out many times, but this time I’m more prepared for battle.
As much as I dread the unknown, my gut is screaming to run towards it.
I feel like a warrior defending my family.
Life has tired to take me out many times, but this time I’m more prepared for battle.
Joy can be elusive but if you follow your heart you find it.
Fury eats away at your soul.
Gratitude is the greatest reward.
Joy can be elusive but if you follow your heart you find it.
I worked so hard to find joy.
Gratitude is the greatest reward.
The best things have always come from my biggest fears.
Hope is what saved me.
Hope is what powers me.